Dear Katherine, Many thanks for your kindness, advice and expertise when grooming Sami on Friday. I have taken your sound advice regarding the raw rabbit diet and have sent for a sample/ taster pack to see how my cats get on with it. A comb is on order, which along with a more relaxed approach and your tips on technique will make grooming a more pleasant experience for Sami and Cocoa. Thank you again. .
I have been grooming Cats for 20 years and when I first started in 1997 all the cats were either Persian or Persian types! So I am very experienced with the breed! Their coats are some of the thickest coats of any cat breed out there, and can be a real problem for Persian owners to deal with.
I find that the way to deal with a Persian from a pet home is to clip their coat on their underside and around their hygiene area, and thin and groom the rest of their coat! This leaves the cat essentially looking exactly the same but has removed the fur from the problem areas!
I cover the whole of Hertfordshire offering a Mobile Service grooming the Persian Cat in the comfort of their own home with their owner on hand to give them the reassurance they need.
I look forward to hearing from you
Contact:- Kate – The Mobile Cat Groomer on 07733327128 or email